What is 5G?

5G refers to the “5th generation” wireless technology. Its intended purpose is to provide faster and higher capacity transmissions to carry the massive amount of data that industry projects will be generated from the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, driverless cars, and video streaming. No one is yet clear about how 5G will be achieved, so at present, it is being used more as a marketing term, although in Dec. 2017, industry announced that it has finally settled on specs or standards for 5G. 

What is clear is that 5G will include the higher millimeter wave (MMW) frequencies never before used for Internet and Telecommunications technology. These waves do not travel well through buildings, so according to the original marketing scheme, 5G would require millions of new so-called “small cells” aka Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs). But more recently, a number of wireless companies have stated that 5G signals can travel 3000 feet (over half a mile). Regardless, the wireless telecom industry is aggressively seeking to outfit lampposts and utility poles around the country with wireless “small cell” antennas beaming hazardous radiation next to, or into our homes, 24/7.

In light of the robust and ever growing independent science showing adverse health effects from radiofrequency/microwave radiation, the densification of our neighborhoods with 5G-infrastructure may prove to be a very ill-conceived idea.



What is significantly different about 5G?

99.999% availability
90% reduction in network usage
Up to 10-year battery life for low power IoT, (Internet of Things), device
Up to 100x number of connected devices per unit area compared to 4G LTE
1000x bandwidth per unit area
1 millisecond latency
Up to 10Gbps data rate, 10 to 100x improvement over 4G and 4.5G networks


This is a summary of what 5G is. I will post more on the effects of 5G as we move on but as you can see the speed and efficiency of 5G is incredible. But, at what cost???

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