
  • Using Darkfield Microscopy to look at our blood we see how Orgonites by Steve actually have a significant effect on red and white blood cells

    Using Darkfield Microscopy to look at our blood we see how Orgonites by Steve actually have a significant effect on red and white blood cells.
  • Steve's Interview with Dr. Jason Bradley, Health Warrior and founder of the Epic Five Plan

  • Using Muscle Testing to show how our bodies like orgonite

    In this video we introduce Alex Hartinger, our daughter, who will show us how muscle testing works, and how Orgonites affect our body. Alex uses muscle testing in her clinic, Symmetry Natural Health, to help people heal their bodies using natural supplements and tinctures. This same concept is used to determine how orgonites help our bodies fight negative EMFs, coming from a from a variety of sources, in this example we use a cell phone.

  • History of Orgonites by Steve

    An introduction and history on how and why we started Orgonites by Steve
  • Clear Quartz...Master Healer

    We put a clear quartz crystal in every piece we make at Orgonites by Steve. All the pyramids have a crystal wrapped in metal wire and the smaller pieces have a crystal in them. 
  • How does Orgonite work? Test 2

    The vortex effect orgonite has on blue dye when frozen.
  • How does Orgonite work? Test one

    Unfrozen blue food dye.
  • AcuGraphs, Orgonites, and EMFs affect your energy... objectively.

    An objective look at the impact Orgonites by Steve has on the energy level of our bodies when exposed to negative EMFs.
  • Blood Test #3 using Darkfield Microscopy with just exposure to EMFs

    .As you can see there is now significant degradation of my red blood cells.  Also, in the videos we have of all subjects the white blood cells in the last test have little to no white cell activity
  • Blood Test #2 using Darkfield Microscopy With EMF exposure and Orgonites

    This is Blood test #2 using Darkfield Microscopy to view my red blood cells and the affect being exposed to EMFs from a WiFi router, an active laptop, and a cell phone with a hot spot on.
  • Blood tests using Darkfield Microscopy Slide #1 No EMFs

    These are my red blood cells with little to no exposure to EMFs as determined by using an Accoustimeter.
  • Field Strength as Determined with Muscle Testing

    Field Strength as Determined with Muscle Testing

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