Flower of Life Black Obsidian Orgonite EMF Protection/Chakra Healing
Flower of Life Black Obsidian Orgonite EMF Protection/Chakra Healing

Flower of Life Black Obsidian Orgonite EMF Protection/Chakra Healing

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This handmade orgonite contains Black Obsidian .  It is the perfect size to stick in your pocket and have protection thru out the day. Orgonite is created through the process of mixing polyester resin, crystals, and metal. When the resin hardens it shrinks and puts pressure on the crystal. This pressure changes the polarity of the crystal creating a piezoelectric effect on surrounding dirty/chaotic EMFs, electro magnetic frequencies. This effect harmonizes negative EMFs, or DOR into positive EMFs, or POR. The field this piece creates is 2-4 feet. The circumference base is about 2 inches

The flower of life is a geometrical shape composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles arranged in a flower like pattern with six fold symmetry like a hexagon.  Many see in the Flower of Life a symbol that represents or depicts the cycle of creation. This symbol shows that all life and consciousness arises from one source (this being the first circle).


Black Obsidian: It is the stone of truth. It can reveal many secrets, and it can answer your biggest questions about life and love. It can help you remove any blockages in your being and see through the facades. This stone will keep you on the straight and narrow.

Root Chakra: If your root chakra is weak, you may feel like you are unhappy with your body size or shape. You may feel as if you are out of control of your life and you can’t gain control. If your root chakra is overactive, you might find that you often explode angrily at the smallest things. For root chakra healing, we recommend using red and black crystals, such as Tiger Eye, Red Garnet, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Shungite, Black Onyx and Hematite, to rebalance your root chakra. Once your root chakra is balanced, you will feel more grounded, solid and confident in yourself.

*Pieces are handmade and unique.  All sales Final*

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